what's in your gym bag?


in the summer i used to wake up with that early sunshine. now when i get up at 5am it's pitch black out, but i still hustle it out of bed (quickly so i don't wait my deep sleeping hubby) and boot it to the gym in the mornings. let's just say it's basically become my morning alarm clock. because of this preset time, i've learned that a well packed bag, and even my routine while there, needs to be well-planned and well-organized. i'm always open to tips and suggestions from one gym rat to another on useful combo's for maximizing not only your workout, but also your "speedy post sweat, now i have to speed shower, dry off faster and hop into respectable work clothes and out the door routine." it's a lot to pack in! right now if you dumped out my gym bag, here is what you would find currently helping me in that "getting it all done" department. 

  • Ear phones // for good tunes and good daily mantas of course!
  • Klean Kanteen // a definite must for staying hydrated (and BPA free), sometimes i even add a lemon wedge to help kick start my clean eating for the day
  • Tom's Deodorant  // a good all natural brand that still does the trick for the stinky and sweaty
  • Under Armor Socks // out of all the socks i've tried, these seem to keep my feet cool and not clammy
  • Nike runners // need i say more
  • Burt's Bee's Facial Cleaning Towelettes // i use these as i'm running into the shower to clean off those pores
  • Honest Company Shampoo & Body Wash in Sweet Orange Vanilla  //  i'm all about the two and one as a way save time – this one is also green, clean and one of the best.
  • NutraSea //  before i leave the gym i always make sure to pop my vitamins and especially my healthy fish oil
  • Sephora Lush Flush Lip & Cheek Stain // once dressed and hair combed, i quickly apply this handy two in one make-up stain on my lips and apples of my cheeks to look fresh and ready for the work day 


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