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as of today there is a new app in town and it is call Pippit, created by the lovely ladies and gents behind the well-known blogs Love Taza and Oh Joy. if you have a deep seated love for all things Instragram and find yourself screen saving shots of interesting decors, fashion, or DIY projects, this app will now do all that for you into lovely categories you can easily access. 
image via itunes/pippit

you can now follow your favourite blogs through one central app. you can even create your own "pips" by posting photos, content or videos, and pinning links and descriptions on items within (for example - direct links to where you bought those cute shoes, or your favourite restaurant or hotel you stayed at while travelling). social media is very much a phone game these days, lets be honest. it's not really something we do very often sitting in front of our desktop computers. Pippit is designed by bloggers, with bloggers and blog readers in mind. it's a great app for content creators looking to share information faster and in a more friendly way with their audiences, and especially for readers who want a one stop shop for everything rather than toggling between windows on our phones. i'm excited to spend the next few days test driving this app, if not for anything other than i really love saying the name too, perhaps followed by a good "chip chip cheerio!"  if you test out the app, share your experiences likes and dislikes in the comments below.

you can also follow Pippit on twitter for more tips and suggestions on how to use the app Twitter.com/PippitApp/following


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