What inspires you?


Oomphlove has come a long way in the two years that we've been active! Again, I have to really thank everyone who has followed along and shared your comments, feedback and ideas! I may have celebrated last night with a glass of red wine and homemade apple cake (post to come!) It's been a rollercoaster time personally and professionally, but this year it is only going to get bigger and better, with new improvements to the site, some design changes in the works and new photography skills on the horizon. This little blog was designed to be jumping point to inspire ways for anyone to get back to simple, well-balanced and creative living. During those two years there have been many new ideas that have taken off (cooking skills, tips & tools) and some ideas that perhaps have taken a backseat. So from you, the reader, I would like to know ...  

What brings you to Oomph and what would you like to read more about? (you can select more than one option if desired)

I really can't thank you enough for all the positive encouragement over the past two years! I look forward to more of your thoughts and suggestions from this poll and if any of you would like to email me with any additional ideas I would be more than happy to read them! laura.a.hyde(at)gmail.com


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