L.A.H. Photography


i haven't been one to really have a "hobby" per say, but if you asked me if there is something that interests me that I continue to read up on, well it would be photography. I am by no means a master, because i am 100% self taught. what makes a great picture? well the obvious answer would be composition, lighting, layout and editing. all of which I am still learning and evolving in terms of my skills, but personally great photographs also are ones that capture life's best moment. things you would otherwise miss, things you hope to remember, or things you hope remind you of someone/something/some place.  for years i've toyed with the idea of working harder at this "hobby" and i'm finally giving it a go. if you would like to follow along, or view updates and images you can follow my photography work at L.A.H Photography (http://lauraahydephotography.tumblr.com/). If you have any questions are interested in my photography or prints, please email me at laura.a.hyde(at)gmail(dot)com


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