Cookbook Critic : Top shelf treats


Since having moved out and now living on my own, I have quite a little collection of cookbooks. Some of them I have hunted down in bookstores, while others have been handed to me as lovely gifts! Regardless, I do love to make a huge mess and try new things in the kitchen. Because of that, I'm always looking for helpful suggestions and menu inspiration. Deep in the heart of my shelf collection, I currently have eight first-rate cookbooks that I can't live without and would highly recommend.

Cooking from the Garden - If you grow anything like lettuce, spices or even vegetables at home, this is a fantastic book that offers a ton of fast, fresh easy to follow recipes.

Ciao Bella - Who doesn't love gelato's and sorbets at anytime of the year! I highly recommend trying their Blackberry Cabernet Sorbetto recipe - delish!

Kitchen Knife Skills - This book offers some great fundamental skills that everyone should know, as well as a key list of supplies that every kitchen should have.

My Father's Daughter - Beautifully put together, this cookbook is focused on her personal exploration in whole food adventures and healthy eating. It is a great book which offers up excellent breakfasts, sandwiches, soups, salads, main dishes, sides and desserts!

The Visual Food Lovers Guide - Everyone should have this! It offers buying guides, seasonal guides, nutritional info and storage suggestions, all in an easy A-Z index of all foods.

Canning - Not only is the photography in this book visually stunning, but these seasonal recipes are tasty and inventive, offering new combination's to traditional techniques!

Van Gogh's Table - This book pays tribute to the incredible painter, who's work was inspired by café life and delicious French cuisine. Drinking wine while cooking up any of delicacies is recommended!

Jamie Oliver Dinners - This book is a mishmash of mouth watering hearty menu options and ideas that will inspire you to host dinner parties!


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