DiY: Grapevine Lights


For this post, total credit goes to design extraordinaire Lynne Knowlton of the blog Design The Life You Want to Live. This exceptionally talented and lovely lady is the mastermind behind these absolutely stunning DIY grapevine lighting balls. Her easy to follow outline, along with beautiful photography, will allow you to create these lovely works of art for any backyard, porch, or tabletop centerpiece. To view her step-by-step DIY process (with added bits of hilarious humor), visit her full blog post by clicking here.

Photo credit:
 Below is an overview of the basic supplies needed and steps to follow as seen on her blog.

1.  Grapevine (fairly easy to find in Canada) or wire can be used
2.  Wire to secure the grapevine in place
3.  Wire cutters
4.  Beach balls (an easy to deflate one)
5.  Strings of twinkle lights

Clean the grapevine of any leaves, then begin to wrap it around the inflated beach ball.  Pre-cut some wire so you have it ready at hand. Start to wrap the beach ball with the vine and secure it with the wire as you go along. Make sure to leave room between the wrapped vines to pull out the beach ball. Once you have a good looking start to the ball shape, deflate and remove the beach ball. Continue to wrap the vines until you have a very thick and sturdy ball shape. Next wrap your mini lights around the ball(s) until you are happy with the results. Hang or place, plug in, and enjoy!

Check out the rest of her blog, and her unreal adult treehouse, which I hope to one day create for myself!


Lynne Knowlton said...

Laura !!!
I am insanely flattered, thrilled, over the moon, excited, top drawer, back of the bus, the bestest ever, happy, grateful...that is all I can think of with only one cup of coffee in me :)) , that you would feature my article on your blog. Thanks so much !!!!!!
Big hugs !!
p.s. Ireland is on my BUCKET list too. Some day *_*. Did you see P.s. I love you? It had me SOLD.

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